Sep 9, 2022Liked by Karen Bracken

Ask any military personal and they will tell you just how evil 😈 the UN is and the corruption in the UN is unbelievable they want you to think to do nothing but good but believe me they are evil 😈 and what they are supposed to do they don`t, another thing is now that the UN trains all military and all police is the reason we have nothing but thugs. The cops now a days are nothing but schoolyard bullies that grew up and became thugs their moto is kick ass first and ask questions later! Down with the UN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I just contacted the Democrat Rep. Jones in New York and he has voted with Pelosi 100% of the time. Removing the US out of UN as well as the WHO is a hard sell for Rep. Jones. Shame on him!

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"Get the UN out of the US and the US out of the UN."


I've been hearing that all my life and for damn good reason.

The UN is none other than the failed League of Nations...all part of the globalists (NWO) Agenda.

These like minded people who have infiltrated all governments, if they realize their goals...Humanity will Suffer.

My fellow Children of God, what we face...is nefarious and Old.

This equation taps directly into the Eternal Struggle between Good & Evil...for that is what we see playing out before us.

HOO-YAH & God Bless ALL God's Children who stride into the Breach against our common Enemy.

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my personal opinion and the way i was taught in the 60's is not to trust in the lord or to offer love and forgiveness even to our enemies. Back in the day it kill or be killed. Nobody ever won a war or a battle by dying for their country. They won by making the others die for their country. kill or be killed and this is how i see us maintaing our god-given, soveriegn and common sense, constitutional rights - or whatever name you want to apply to it. THEY/NOBODY can play God and God's wrath WILL come down on those who impersonate Him. And maybe it those who will "kill or be killed" who will be called to administer God's wrath. Unfortunately, i'm too old and have too many injuries at this point in life, to be one of those called.

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The UN from the beginning has been a social and political parasite now getting ready to kill the host like all other parasites. Out ASAP.

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Withdraw. Did man not learn anything from the Tower of Babel? Global Governance is against God's will and He is in charge.

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